Updated to support April 2022 Update (works with Oct 2021 too - now more stable (Gold Cup disabled)).Added a patch to make sure only reputable teams enter the Asia Cup.Added a Misc Patch to make subs in Brazil + Copa Libertardores 9 (and enabled in 2021).Enabled the "World Cup first year add reputable teams.patch" for 2021.Changed the Clamp for position and marking in Bug Fixes to 75 as per Fiestita.Fixed the History Loader (was broken in 2.21).Added a Null News Item Protection patch to stop a rare crash.Added Xeno's FIFA World Cup 2022 Groups for 2021 patches.Fixed and added Points Reduction patch (Derby -21, Reading -12) to 2021 patches.

Updated 2022 Patches with latest additions.patch files from things like Flex 2 or patch files made with "fc /b cm0102_original.exe cm0102_patched.exe > newpatch.patch"Īn unfinished scouter, based on CM Scout, but allows you to view and sort by the "intrinsic" skills value (can load compressed and uncompressed saves)Īlso there is a little officials.dat patcher for patching up referees as per recent discussions on getting too many red cards from recent updates:Īlso allows you to add a fourth column to the attributes screen to show a players hidden attributes: It also has a tools section with things like a patch applier that can apply.